Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Contemporary Relevance

Giving you news since 1299
July 1 1948
This day was a good and a bad day the city of Paris. The good news was it was the day of Feast of Fools. This is the time when everyone in Paris closed their stores and dress up silly for this day Quasimodo was name the king of fools and everyone was laughing and having fun.  Esmeralda, a beautiful Gypsy with a kind and generous heart and captures many men hearts, but especially Quasimodo. This is when the bad news starts Frollo orders Quasimodo to kidnap her, but Quasimodo is captured by Phoebus and his guards who save Esmeralda. Quasimodo is sentenced to be flogged and turned on the pillory and followed by public exposure. Esmeralda seeing his thirst offers him a drink and it saves him, and she captures his heart. Esmeralda is later charged with the attempted murder of Phoebus, whom Frollo actually attempted to kill in jealousy, after seeing him about to have sex with Esmeralda, and is tortured and sentenced to death by hanging. As she is being led to the gallows, Quasimodo swings down by the bell rope of Notre Dame and carries her off to the cathedral under the law of sanctuary. Frollo asks the king to remove Esmeralda’s right to sanctuary so she can no longer seek shelter in the church and will be taken from the church and killed. The king wants to rescue her and help them find her. She is rescued by Frollo and her phony husband, Gringoire. But after failed attempt to win her love, Frollo betrays Esmeralda by handing her to the troops and watches while she is hanged. Frollo laughs during Esmeralda’s hanging; Quasimodo pushes him from the heights of Notre dame to his death.